Sunday, April 12, 2009

Selling the Heirlooms of Tomorrow

What is going on in the minds of consumers today as they make decisions about how to spend their money? "Do I really need this? Will it last me for a long time? Is this the best quality, best looking, best designed one I can find for the money?" A couple things are starting to happen as shoppers weigh each purchase more heavily. We are moving away from the throw away culture that tells us it is okay to buy cheap things because it is also cheap to replace them when they break. This means less waste in our landfills. Whether it is intentional or a by-product of frugality, consumers are making decisions that are better for the environment. And goods that are built to last can be passed on to future generations.

But it is not just durability that ensures something will become an heirloom. It is the personal meaning, the superior design and the beauty of an object that make it heirloom worthy.

WHAT ARE YOU CARRYING IN YOUR STORE THAT IS "HEIRLOOM" QUALITY? How can you engage your customers about this added value when they are shopping for that couch, set of dinnerware, piece of jewelry, or (fill in the blank)? What is the story behind the product you are selling? How is it crafted and by whom? Why will it endure?

Here are a few related articles worthy of checking out:

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